Magnificent Obsessions at The Barbican

Have you ever wondered what your favourite artists do in their free time? Well, some of them collect weird stuff. London’s Barbican Centre has put some of that weird stuff on show for its Magnificent Obsessions – The Artist as a Collector exhibition. IMG_9139

Magnificent Obsessions is not for the faint-hearted. If you hate spiders, taxidermy or dolls looking so creepy that they might get up and stab you, you might not want to pay £12 for the ticket. If you do however like any of the above or are just interested in seeing what Damien Hirst likes collecting when he is not cutting cows in half and putting sharks in formaldehyde, then it might as well be the place for you.IMG_9141

Hirst’s corner of the exhibition is definitely the most interesting: his frame, covering a whole wall, contains an harmonic pattern of (dead) tarantulas, bugs, crickets and butterflies in a huge, disgusting rainbow of colours and behind a double-glazed frame.IMG_9143

Other highlights include: a tattoo artist’s “tattooed” pin-up drawings, the emerging trend of “crap taxidermy” showing two little labs sewn together with the head of a rabbit, prosthetic eyes and a selection of LPs and skulls that would make every metal head happy.IMG_9145IMG_9140Magnificent Obsessions Installation Images IMG_9142 Pictures: Carolina Are The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Creative Review, NewYork Times, Evening Standard


Il Barbican Centre di Londra ospita una selezione delle collezioni più strane nella mostra Magnificent Obsessions – The Artist as a Collector .IMG_9139

Magnificent Obsessions mette in esposizione gli oggetti collezionati da artisti famosi come Damien Hirts. La mostra non è per i deboli di cuore: se odiate i ragni, gli animali imbalsamati o bambole dall’aspetto inquietante, pagare £12 per il biglietto forse non è proprio un’ottima idea. Se invece non sapete resistere all’idea di vedere cosa colleziona Damien Hirst quando non sta sezionando mucche o mettendo squali a bagno nella formaldeide, allora siete nel posto giusto. IMG_9141

L’angolo di Hirst è il più interessante della mostra: la cornice che ha donato al Barbican copre un’intera parete e contiene un arcobaleno di tarantole, scarafaggi, farfalle e cavallette imbalsamati in una cornice coi doppi vetri. IMG_9143

Tra le altre collezioni ci sono i disegni di pin up tatuate di un tatuatore, una collezione di LP e teschi da fare invidia ad ogni metallaro e la tendenza del momento, ossia animali imbalsamanti male – come due agnellini cuciti insieme alla testa di un coniglio. IMG_9145IMG_9140Magnificent Obsessions Installation ImagesIMG_9142Foto:Carolina Are The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Creative Review, NewYork Times, Evening Standard

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