If you have been following this blog for a while, rejoice: I am not dead. I have just moved to Australia. If you didn’t follow me before, hello stranger. Here’s what I’ve been up to in the past few months – based on the remote possibility that you actually care.
So… I kinda went through one of those phases in life where you feel lost, you don’t know where you’re going and so you just make a U turn. I made a massive one. After winning a medal at the Undergraduate Awards 2015, I tossed my “I am not going to study ever again” mantra in the bin and suddenly decided that I wanted to study for my whole life instead. I needed a change of pace, a change of scenery and some sun, so I applied to one – just one – Master degree thinking that if I got in, it would have been a sign for me to move on.
Fast-forward nearly a year and here I am, Sydney-side, buried in essays, work, sport and a lot of hunger for new horizons. I arrived ready to start over and leave my London life behind, but soon found out I couldn’t really get over how amazing London was. This doesn’t mean I haven’t been enjoying life down under. In fact, I have been making the most out of it. Here’s me getting acquainted with the local fauna (or not trying to get killed or stabbed in the eye by it).
And here’s me enjoying the life in a place with actual sun.
Yep. Those sunsets are for real. Sun aside though, I am basically living four different lives. Three times a week I manage a few accounts in a lovely restaurant PR firm. During most days I chill in some coffee shop sipping flat whites to give me the energy to write thousands of words on anti-terrorism law, criminal liability or fear of crime. Oh, and did I mention that my uni looks like Hogwarts?
The rest of my time is spent applying for PhDs, trying to publish my novel and exploring a newfound passion for pole dancing, twerking and burlesque. All while exploring what Sydney has to offer – including the rooftop brunches and the coastal strolls. It’s not a bad life. I just don’t know how often I will be posting about it.