Judy’s affordable vintage fair in Bethnal Green

Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair rocked York Hall, Bethnal Green, all day yesterday offering plenty of choice from clothes to home accessories, from cakes to live music.


Held in the historic York Hall (built in 1929 by the Duke of York), Judy’s is the United Kingdom’s leading vintage fair, selling everything from waist-coats and kidney tables to kitten heels. The entrance fee is £2 but fear not: you’re most likely going to leave with a few purchases. IMG_8611 IMG_8610_2

Deals at Judy’s are quite convenient – I managed to get two pairs of Levi’s shorts for £15 – and browsing around the many stalls just before the holidays is a perfect alternative to the stressful Christmas shopping. It was possible to sit down and watch vintage style trio The Haywood Sisters sing while sipping tea and eating cake from one of the stalls.  The next fair in London will be on February 1st.

Pictures & Vine: Carolina Are

La fiera di vestiti Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair è stata un successo domenica scorsa alla York Hall di Bethnal Green, East London.

Tenutasi nella York Hall, costruita nel1929 dal Duca di York, Judy’s è la più conosciuta fiera di vestiti vintage del Regno Unito. Vende tutto dai mobili ai vestiti, dai CD ai poster. Si paga £2 per entrare ma non vi preoccupate: comprerete sicuramente qualcosa, quindi vale la pena spenderli.

Comprare da Judy’s conviene – ho comprato due paia di pantaloncini Levi’s per £15 – e cercare regali tra le sue bancarelle è molto meno stressante del tipico shopping natalizio. Ci si poteva sedere a guardare la performance del trio vintage The Haywood Sisters bevendo il tè e mangiando le torte di uno stand della fiera. Il prossimo appuntamento con Judy’s sarà il primo Febbraio.

Foto & Vine: Carolina Are

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