Weekending in East London: Blixen, cocktails and Netil 360

If “Treat yo’self” is your motto, East London has plenty to offer you this spring. Here’s a round-up of my weekend of brunching at Blixen, sunbathing at Netil360, drinking Negronis at the #RediscoverRed Campari pop-up and seeing The Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town.IMG_0053
What’s the best way to start a weekend in Shoreditch? Easy. Go down to Blixen in Spitalfields for the best pancakes in town: their blueberry and whipped cream pancakes with cinnamon are to die for. Pretend you’re eating healthy with their awesome End Strife smoothie made with banana, pineapple, lime, agave, flaxseed and pink Himalayan salt. It’s as fresh as a cocktail minus the alcohol. Have all that in Blixen’s lovely garden – you’ll forget you’re even in London.IMG_9991 IMG_9996 IMG_9998 IMG_9985IMG_9982
If the weather allows it, pop to Broadway Market for a scan at the many food stalls and snag a seat on a deck chair at the now free-entry Netil360 rooftop at Netil House. You’ll be able to sip Coffee Space‘s iced coffees and lattes or try out the week’s traders’ foods – latest line-ups included the Dubplates Kitchen and the Spanish Little Galicia. With one of the best views in East London and great vibes, an afternoon at Netil360 could even help you tan.IMG_0025 IMG_0023 IMG_0022 IMG_0024
Once you’re ready to start your night, head to the Hoxton Gallery’s seasonal pop-up (until June 10th),#RediscoverRed from Campari, offering a free Campari and Tonic as well as a free Negroni while celebrating Italian art and the history of Campari. IMG_0031-0 IMG_0027-0 IMG_0030-0
And if you’re still in an Italian mood, try and blag your way through The Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town at the Breakfast Club Spitalfields for a zesty Berlusconi cocktail – I had to – made with Aperol, Tanqueray gin, lemon juice, egg white & grapefruit bitters. The Peanut Butter Cup (Chocolate, Peanut & Vanilla, Four Roses bourborn, Advocaat, Mozart dark chocolate, Liqueur 43, peanut butter, Laphroaig spray) and the King Yellowman’s Answer (Blackwell rum, roasted pineapple with cinnamon sticks, honey, espresso, freshly pressed pear juice, freshly pressed lime juice) are a refreshing, liquid alternative to dessert. IMG_0041-0 IMG_0046-0 IMG_0042-0 IMG_0045-0 IMG_0052 IMG_0051-0
All this debauchery now requires exercise. Yay.
Pictures: Carolina Are

Se vi piace trattarvi bene durante il weekend, la primavera di East London ha tutto quello di cui avete bisogno. Eccovi un riassunto del mio weekend tra brunch da Blixen, la terrazza di Netil360, i Negroni al pop-up #RediscoverRed di Campari e un incontro col sindaco di Scaredy Cat Town.

Quale modo migliore di iniziare un weekend a Shoreditch che un brunch da Blixen a Spitalfields? Le loro pancakes sono le migliori di Londra: con mirtilli, crema pasticcera e cannella, sono la fine del mondo. Fate finta di fare attenzione alla dieta con lo smoothie End Strife a base di banana, ananas, lime, agave, semi di lino e sale rosa dell’Himalaya. E’ fresco come un cocktail senza alcool. Godetevi il tutto nell’adorabile giardino di Blixen – vi dimenticherete di essere a Londra.

Passate poi per Broadway Market per fare un giro al mercato e rilassarvi su una sdraio sulla terrazza Netil360 di Netil House. Potrete godervi l’iced coffee di Coffee Space o provare i piatti delle bancarelle della settimana – le ultime erano la cucina caraibica della Dubplates Kitchen e il cibo spagnolo di Little Galicia. Con un’atmosfera unica e una delle viste migliore di East London, a Netil360 potreste pure abbronzarvi!

Quando siete pronti per iniziare la serata, fate un salto alla Hoxton Gallery per provare i Negroni e Campari e Tonic gratis al pop-up  #RediscoverRed di Campari, completo di manifesti dello storico liquore e di Vespe originali.

Se siete ancora di umore italiano, cercate di entrare nella stanza segreta The Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town al Breakfast Club Spitalfields per un saporito cocktail chiamato Berlusconi – ho dovuto provarlo – had to – fatto con Aperol, gin Tanqueray, succo di limone, bianco d’uovo e bitter di pompelmo. Il Peanut Butter Cup (Cioccolato, vaniglia, arachidi, bourbon Four Roses, Advocaat, cioccolato fondente Mozart, Liqueur 43, burro d’arachidi e spray di Laphroaig) e il King Yellowman’s Answer (rum Blackwell, ananas arrosto, cannella, miele, espresso, succo di pera e di lime) sono un’alternativa fresca e liquida ad un dessert.

Ora mi tocca nuotare per smaltire tutto. Evvai.

Foto: Carolina Are

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