The Best House Party Ever

On Thursday night I went to The Little Blue Door Fulham‘s launch and it was the best house party ever. Here’s what to expect from this one-of-a-kind uhm… flat? Restaurant? Heaven?

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The House Party

Imagine going to a house party. Now imagine that the house party isn’t at your mate’s John’s house, in some random flat on the other side of town, with nothing but Tesco wine and Doritos. Imagine that it’s in the house of your dreams. This is what the The Little Blue Door in Fulham is like. Except it’s even better.

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Y’all know that I’m an East London girl and that travelling an hour on the tube for a party is my own definition of hell. In this case though, I arrived to The Little Blue Door in posh, classy Fulham on a sunny Thursday afternoon, in the mood for a party. Behind the Notting Hill style blue door was Mr. President, an adorable pug-like puppy who greeted the guests with the unimpressed gaze only dogs like him can pull off while still being cute.

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The Space

After being allowed in by Mr. President I had a tour of the flat and oh my. As someone who’s just about to buy furniture for her place, The Little Blue Door gave me interiors envy. A movie projector showing Zoolander (the first one, the good one) on the wall; Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire novels on the shelves; mismatched furniture, snuggle corners with cushions and big armchairs.

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There’s even a study room with scrabble, an amp and everything you might want from a nerd cave that looks straight out of a spy movie. The study is fully equipped with pool table, fancy dress box, retro consoles and Karaoke. This space, together with the other rooms in the flat, is available for hire for private parties. My friend Alexa from Prezzroom took advantage of it straight away.

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The randomness of it all is baffling in a fantastic way. The mini Prosecco vending machine made this Italian girl very happy. The neon sign, recovered with two letters missing a spark, would have looked so great in my future pole room, too!

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<img src="TLBD.jpg" alt="The Little Blue Door Launch Party"/>

The fun doesn’t end upstairs. My friend and I felt the thrill of going to a ladies’ bathroom with erotic art, tandem toilets and a peacock.

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And it turned out the flower vase was a huge cocktail.

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Can’t take pole dancers anywhere

This was no ordinary house party.

The Concept Behind The Little Blue Door

Since in 2016 I was tired of London and I decided to move away like a dumbass, I managed to miss all the parties by The Little Blue Door’s older brother, the cult pop-up The Little Yellow Door at 68 Notting Hill Gate.

The whole venue is based on a fictional flatshare between friends. The idea came from wondering what youÂ’’d get if you moved a group of people from different walks of life into one house, and threw parties every week.

The first permanent abode for the flatmates, The Little Blue Door was created by Fulham resident Kamran Dehdashti and co-founder Jamie Hazeel. The pair made sure the venue didn’t lose its pop-up feel: they will be hosting a variety of pop-ups throughout the week together with their series of events.

I have never felt so at home in a restaurant. Kamran and Jamie have really gone out of their way to give the venue the look and vibe of a house party. They are very friendly and they hang with the crowd, and they have amassed a variety of random memorabilia from across the world. When you’re at TLBD, it really does feel like you’re at a house party. The kind of house party that leaves you with a bunch of awesome, random memories the day after.

Rumour has it that this year the original Notting Hill flatmates go their separate ways, opening up their houses for parties like no other in different areas of London. Actually, rumour has it that some flatmates may be opening their doors at their original postcode – and I can only be excited about that.

Food and Drink

Food and drink at The Little Blue Door are nothing short of flawless, a real treat. Inspired by the flatmatesÂ’’ latest travels around the world, the food menu is a parade of perfectly executed classics. The menu, hidden in a photo album, was already a sign great things were to come.

I am not ashamed to say that, after having travelled across the UK, US and Australia, I’ve had the best fried chicken ever at The Little Blue Door. Their version is crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, very light, not oily and accompanied by a fantastic dill mayo I’ve never had before. Surely something this good can’t be bad for your diet.

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Other highlights from the night included falafel served with peas, dill and cranberry; lobster rolls; jerk chicken; crudité platters with beetroot hummus, zhoug and feta.

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<img src="TLBD Launch.jpg" alt="The Littke Blue Door Launch party"/>

<img src="TLBD Launch.jpg" alt="The Littke Blue Door Launch party"/>

And now, it’s time to talk about the drinks. Me everyday: “I don’t drink cocktails. Me at the Little Blue Door:

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The first cocktail I had was the Crimes of Passion, the flatmates’Â’ take on a Pornstar Martini served with a burnt marshmallow on top. It was fresh, light and not sugary at all, basically the reason why it’s still ok to drink cocktails at TLBD.

Picture by Matthew Pearl

I also tried an Earl Grey infused gin cocktail with a biscuit on the side and, the night’s novelty, a frozen cocktail served in a blender. I went for the Y Tu Mama También (how cool is it that they’re named after movies?), a refreshing blend of rum and passion fruit that tasted like a smoothie. NO GUILT OVER HERE. I AM NOT SORRY.

Picture by Matthew Pearl

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At The Little Blue Door you can legit drink out of anything and not be disappointed. Exhibit A.

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The Verdict

I will happily tube back to Parsons Green for an hour just to spend an evening – or a morning, or an afternoon – at The Little Blue Door in Fulham. It’s a party that blends together everything I know, love and have missed about London: top notch food and drinks, a cool, unpretentious crowd despite the posh area and random creativity. Prepare for the Insta spam.

The Little Blue Door
Address: 871-873 Fulham Rd, Fulham, London SW6 5HP
Tel: 07538 229 096
F & IG: @thelittlebluedoorfulham
Opening Hours:
Wednesday & Thursday: 6pm -12pm
Friday: 6pm -1.30am
Saturday: 11.30am – 1.30am
Sunday: 11.30am – 6pm
Pictures: The Little Blue Door, Matthew Pearl, Alexa Abraham

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